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I invite you to download our free yoga studio business information that can help you grow your new or current studio.
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Centered Business. Just enter your name and email address, and you'll get the valuable items described below:
- "The Seven Biggest Mistakes Yoga Studio Owners Make...And How to Avoid Them" expert guide
- "Top Ten Tips for Opening a Yoga Studio" expert guide
- “Bringing More Business to Your Studio.” E-course
You'll get all of the things below for FREE just seconds from now.
"The Seven Biggest Mistakes Yoga Studio Owners Make In Their Business...And
How to Avoid Them"
eleven-page expert guide outlines the most common areas for improvement
in yoga studios, including suggestions for action in each area. Have
you made any of these mistakes? |
"Top Ten Things to Consider When Starting a Yoga Studio."
This nine-page expert guide contains ten key points to consider and plan for when opening a yoga studio. |
"Bringing More Business to Your Studio" E-course .
6-week e-mail course series contains practical guidance, ideas and
motivation on how to improve your yoga studio performance.
When you subscribe you'll also get access to our online archive past yoga business articles.
For subscribers only. |
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Coach Al Lipper