Members Only
Studio Owner's
Exclusive Member's Program
I'd like to give you an opportunity to make your studio more successful in a whole new way. You see, for years, I've provided one-on-one business coaching to people, and many studio owners have greatly improved their studios through this, but there was a problem. To be honest, this kind of coaching is very expensive, and beyond the reach of many studio owners. But one of my goals is to help as many yoga studio owners as possible.
So I came up with a solution: The Studio Owner's Exclusive Members Only program. Members will have access to a wide variety of resources to help them expand, grow and improve the success of their studios. The cost for this is very low (You can try it for the first month for only $4.95 - a whole lot less than the $840 per month that private clients pay). The program lets you access all of my very best resources, including live online tele-classes, one-on-one mini-coaching sessions (with me personally), numerous yoga business articles, participation in a worldwide community of yoga studio owners, and more.
Current teleclass topics include: “Internet marketing – how to bring in more students from the internet”, “Increasing businesses through the holidays” and “The best way to pay teachers.”
Here's what the program includes
1. Live Online Teleclass - Each month, participate in a live online teleclass led by Coach Al. He will work with you step by step through improving your studio. Techniques covered are based on those covered in the Home Study Studio Owner's Success program as well as many additional topics (see this link for more details on this: ) – it will cover these topics and more.
You will learn about:
- How to run a studio as a profitable business
- Methods of creative, low-cost marketing for your studio
- Taking better control of your studio's finances to save money and increase profits
- How to reduce stress from your studio
- Clarifying a short and long-term vision for your studio
- Using the internet for getting more new students
- Practical methods for reducing your workload (without losing money)
- Creating a highly-effective referral program
- How to hire the best teachers and staff available
- How to pay your teachers so that you and they make money
- Special kinds of programs you can offer that will bring more new students into your studio and guide them to become committed long-term students.
- Much, much more.
2. Laser Coaching – Have the opportunity to call in for mini-coaching sessions with Coach Al. You will have the chance to discuss whatever issues or ideas you have concerning your studio and get his expert advice.
3. Online Article Database - To further support the growth of your studio, you will have access to our article archive. This web site has numerous articles on improving your studio in a variety of areas. Articles include topics such as marketing, finances, hiring, setting prices, teacher pay and much more.
4. Online Discussion Forum - You will become part of an online community where you can communicate with other studio owners across the world. You may post questions, ideas and responses in an online forum that allows you to discuss the kind of things you've wished you could with other studio owners, but maybe never had the chance. Coach Al will also be an active part of the conversations, adding feedback.
This is the only program of its kind out there – the only business mentorship member's program designed specifically for Yoga Studio Owners.
I really wanted this program to be affordable for everyone . I know that often membership programs like this cost $50 per month (or more). But my goal is to really make this available to everyone who might want it. So here's the deal. It costs only $4.95 to sign up
(In fact, if for whatever reason you feel it isn't worth your money, just email me and I'll give you a full refund).
This includes one month's membership and access to all the resources described above. If you choose to continue in the program, it costs just $13.95 per month, about what many people spend on a single lunch. You can cancel your membership at any time – no commitment. That's it. No hidden fees or extra charges.
If you're ready to increase your studio's profits and get out of the “routine” (or rut) that sometimes traps studio owners, why not give the Centered Business Members Only program a try? How else could you spend $4.95 that would be more productive? If you don't do it now, then when?
You and your studio deserve this opportunity.
Give it a try right now!
Click Here to Join Now for
only $4.95
You will be charged $4.95 for the first month's membership. For each additional month, your credit card will be billed just $13.95. You many cancel at any time.

If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you, and I look forward to your continued success.
All the best,

Coach Al Lipper